Please check here for the most updated list of our publications.
Schield DR+, JK Carter*, ESC Scordato+, II Levin+, SA Mueller, Z Gompert, P Nosil, J.B.W. Wolf and RJ Safran. 2024. Sexual selection promotes reproductive isolation in barn swallows. Science 386, eadj8766 .DOI:10.1126/science.adj8766
Peichel, C. L., Bolnick, D. I., Brännström, Å., Dieckmann, U., & Safran, R. J. 2024. Speciation. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, a041735. 10.1101/cshperspect.a041735. This is an edited volume comprised of 27 chapters.
Osnes, B., Hackett, C., McDermott, M. T*., & Safran, R. J. 2024. Bird’s Eye View: Engaging Youth in Storying a Survivability Future through Performance and Interspecies Friendship. In Storytelling to Accelerate Climate Solutions (pp. 379-398). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Schield, D. R+., Brown, C. E., Shakya, S. B., Calabrese, G. M.+, Safran, R. J., & Sheldon, F. H. (2024). Phylogeny and historical biogeography of the swallow family (Hirundinidae) inferred from comparisons of thousands of UCE loci. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 108111. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2024.108111
Medina-García A+, E. Scherner**, MT McDermott,* ME Hauber, and RJ Safran. 2024. Cognitive effects of colony size on fitness-relevant selective attention to social information and decision making in barn swallows. Animal Cognition 27:15
McDermott MT*, Madden**, SA, Ayala MJ**, Laubach ZM+, RJ Safran. Females with increased physiological costs maintain reproductive investment: A field experiment in a short-lived, common songbird. 2023. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 63, 23–33, Student Awardee Paper (for Dr. Molly T. McDermott).
B Dantzer, KE Mabry, JR Bernhardt, RM Cox, CD Francis, CK Ghalambor, KL Hoke, S Jha, E Ketterson, NA Levis, KM McCain, GL Patricelli, SH Paull, N Pinter-Wollman, RJ Safran, TS Schwartz, HL Throop, L Zaman, LB Martin. 2023. Understanding Organisms Using Ecological Observatory Networks, Integrative Organismal Biology, 2023; obad036,
Sihao C*, Y Liu, S Patrick, E. Goodale, RJ Safran, E. Pagani-Núñez, Emilio. 2023. A multidimensional framework to quantify the effects of urbanization on avian breeding fitness. Ecology and Evolution. 13(7), p.e10259 e10259
Carter JK*, RT. Kimball, ER Funk, NC Kane, DR Schield+, GM Spellman, RJ Safran 2023. Estimating phylogenies from genomes: A review of commonly used genomic data in phylogenomics. Journal of Heredity. 114 (1 – 13). Editor’s Choice
Zhao Y, Pagani-Núñez E, Liu Y, Xing X, Zhang Z, Pan G, Song L, Li X, Zhou Z, Chen Y, Li D, Liu Y*, Safran RJ. 2022. The effect of urbanization and exposure to multiple environmental factors on life-history traits and breeding success of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) across China. Avian Research, 13: 100048.
Madden SA**, MT. McDermott*, and RJ Safran. 2022. Visitation rate, but not foraging range, responds to brood size manipulation in an aerial insectivore Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 76: 1-16.
Lotem, A., Vortman, Y*. and Safran, R.J. 2022. The evidence for divergent sexual selection among closely related barn swallow populations is strong. Evolution. 76: 2204-2211.
Turbek, SP, DR. Schield, E.S.C. Scordato, A. Contina, X. Da, Y. Liu, E. Pagani-Núñez, Q. Ren,C. C.R. Smith, C. Stricker, M. Wunder, D. Zonana, and R.J. Safran. 2022. A migratory divide spanning two continents is associated with genomic and ecological divergence. Evolution 76: 722-736. PDF
Ayala MJ, JC Carter, AS Fachon, SM Flaxman, M Gil, HV Kenny, ZM Laubach, SA Madden, MT McDermott, A Medina-García, RJ Safran, E Scherner DR Schield S Vasquez-Rey, Julie Volckens. 2021. Belonging in STEM: An interactive, iterative approach to create and maintain a diverse learning community. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 36:964-967 All authors contributed equally. PDF
McDermott, MT and RJ Safran. 2021. Sensitive periods during the development and expression of vertebrate sexual signals: A systematic review. Ecology and Evolution 11:14416–14432 PDF
Mendelson, TC” and RJ Safran”. 2021 Sexual Selection and Speciation: Twenty Years of Progress. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 36: 1153-1163 . " = Both authors contributed equally. PDF
Brodetzki TR, A Lotem, RJ Safran, ME Hauber. 2021. Lack of subspecies-recognition in breeding Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica transitiva). Behavioural Processes 189, 104422 PDF
Schield DR, Scordato ESC, Smith CR; Carter JK, Cherkaoui S, Gombobaatar S, Hajib S, Hanane S, Hund AK, Koyama K, Liang W, Liu Y, Magri N, Rubtsov A, Sheta B, Turbek SP, Wilkins MR, Liu Y, Yu, Safran RJ. 2021. Sex-linked genetic diversity and differentiation in a globally distributed avian species complex. Molecular Ecology 30 (10), 2313- 2332 PDF
Laubach ZM, EJ Murray, KL Hoke, RJ Safran, W Perng. 2021. A biologists guide to model selection and causal inference. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Proc. R. Soc. B 288: 20202815. PDF
Turbek SP, Browne M, Di Giacomo AS, Kopuchian, Hochachka WM, Estalles MC, Lijtmaer DA , Tubaro PL , Silveira LB , Lovette IJ, Safran RJ, Taylor SA and L Campagna. 2021. Rapid speciation via the evolution of pre-mating isolation. Science. Vol. 371, Issue 6536, eabc0256 DOI: 10.1126/science.abc0256 PDF
Hund AK, Hubbard JK, Glidden CK, Munclinger P, Safran RJ. 2021. Parasite-Mediated Sexual Selection: Accounting for Multiple Hypotheses, Infections, and Mechanisms. Animal Behavior. Animal Behaviour 172: 183-196. PDF
Zhao Y, Liu Y, Scordato ESC+, Lee M-B, Xing X, Pan X, Liu Y, Safran RJ, Pagani-Núñez E. 2021. The impact of urbanization on body mass of Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica. Ecology and Evolution 11: 612-625. PDF
Wilkins MR, Odom K, Benedict L, Safran RJ. 2020. Dimorphism in song and plumage explained by selection on females, not males, in North American barn swallows. Animal Behaviour 168: 69-82. PDF
Hund AK, Hubbard JK, Albrecht T, Vortman , Munclinger P, Krausová S, Tomášek O, Safran RJ. 2020. Divergent Sexual Signals Reflect Costs of Local Parasites. Evolution. 74-10: 2404–2418. Featured in: W. Maguire and J. Tomasula. 2020. Digest: Be honest with me: Do parasites play a role in divergence of sexual signals? Evolution.
Liu Y, Scordato ESC, Zhang Z, Evans MR, Safran RJ. 2020. Phenotype variation in barn swallows Hirundo rustica across China. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 131 (2), 319-331
Carter JK, Innes P, Goebl AM, Johnson B, Gebert M, Attia Z, Li GR, Melie T, Dart C, Mares A, Greidanus C, Paterson P, Wall B, Cortese G, Thirouin K, Glime G, Rutten J, Poyd C, Post E, Wall B, Elhadi AA, Feldmann K, Danz A, Blanchard T, Amato S, Reinert S, Pogoda CS, Scordato ESC+, Hund AK*, Safran RJ, Kane NC. Complete mitochondrial genomes provide current refined phylogenomic hypotheses for relationships among ten Hirundo species: Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5: 2899-2903
Scordato, ESC, Smith C, Semenov G, Liu Yu, Wilkins MR, Liang W, Rubtsov A, Gombobaataar S, Koyama K, Turbek SP, Stricker CR, Wunder M, Safran RJ. 2020. A continent-wide migratory divide reduces interbreeding across multiple barn swallow hybrid zones. Ecology Letters 23: 231-241. PDF
Semenov GA, Safran RJ, Smith CR, Turbek SP, Mullen SP, Flaxman SM. 2019. Unifying theoretical and empirical perspectives on genomic differentiation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. Invited Opinion Piece for Trends in Ecology and Evolution PDF
Safran, R.J., Levin, I.I. 2019. The Sexual and Social Behavior of the Barn Swallow. In: Choe, J.C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, (2nd ed.). vol. 3, pp. 173–180. Elsevier, Academic Press PDF
Safran RJ, Levin II, Fosdick, BK, McDermott MT, Semenov G, Hund, AK, Scordato, ESC, Turbek, SP 2019. Using networks to connect individual-level reproductive behavior to population patterns. Invited Forum Piece for Trends in Ecology and Evolution PDF
Levin, Iris I., Fosdick, Bailey K., Tsunekage, Toshi, Aberle, Matt A., Bergeon-Burns, Christine M., Hund, Amanda K., Safran, Rebecca J. 2018. Experimental manipulation of a signal trait reveals complex phenotype-behaviour coordination 8:15533 Scientific Reports. 8:15533. PDF
Dube WC, AK Hund, SP Turbek, RJ. Safran Microclimate and Host Body Condition Influence Mite Population Growth in a Wild Bird-Ectoparasite System. International Journal for Parasitology. PDF
Smith CR, Flaxman SM, Scordato ESC, Kane NC, Hund AK, Sheta BM, Safran RJ. Barn swallow demographic inference using approximate Bayesian computation and whole genome data shows signal for founder event during the Holocene. Molecular Ecology. 27: 4200-4212.Molecular Ecology. PDF.
Fitzpatrick, C.L., Mendelson, T.C., Rodriguez, R.L., Safran, R.J., Scordato, E.S.C+., Servedio, M.R., Stern, C.A., Symes, L.B., and Kopp, M. Theory meets empiry: a citation network analysis. IBioScience 68: 805-812 PDF
Schilling MP, Mullen SP, Kronforst M, Safran RJ, Nosil P, Feder JL, Gompert Z, Flaxman SM. 2018. Transitions from single- to multi-locus processes during speciation. Invited article to special issue Special Issue "Evolutionary Genetics of Reproductive Isolation". Genes 9: 274. PDF.
Donahue, KJ, Hund AK, Levin II+, Safran RJ. 2018. Predictors and consequences of nest-switching behavior in Barn swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster). 2018. Auk, Ornithological Advances. PDF.
Wilkins MR, ESC Scordato, G Semenov, HKaraardıç , D Shizuka, A Rubtsov, P. Pap, SF- Shen, RJ Safran. Patterns of Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica Song Divergence at Continental and Global Scales. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 123 (4), 825-849 PDF
Yu, Liu, Scordato, E.S.C+., Safran, R.J., and Evans, M.R. 2018. Ventral plumage colour is under sexual selection in a Northeastern Chinese barn swallow (Hirundo rustica gutturalis) population. Journal of Ornithology. 159:675–68 PDF
Turbek, S.P.,Scordato, E.S.C., Safran, R.J. 2018. The role of seasonal migration in population divergence and reproductive isolation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 33: 164-175. PDF
Tricola GM, Simons MJP, Atema E, Boughton RK, Brown JL, Dearborn DC, Divoky G, Eimes JA, Huntington CE, Kitaysky AS, Juola FA, Lank DB, Litwa HP, Mulder EGA, Nisbet ICT, Okanoya K, Safran RJ, Schoech SJ, Schreiber EA, Thompson PM, Verhulst S, Wheelwright NT, Winkler DW, Young R, Vleck CM, Haussmann MF. 2018. The rate of telomere loss is related to maximum lifespan in birds. Phil.Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20160445. PDF
Kopp, M*, Servedio, MR*, Mendelson, TC, Safran, RJ, Rodriguez, RL, Hauber, ME, Scordato, ESC.+, Symes, LB., Balakrishnan, CN, Zonana, DM, van Doorn G, Mechanisms of assortative mating in speciation with gene flow: connecting theory and empirical research. In Press, The American Naturalist *co-first authors PDF
Semenov, G. Scordato, E.S.C+., Khaydarov, D.R., Smith, C.R.S., Kane, N.C., Safran, R.J. Effects of Assortative Mate Choice on the Genomic and Morphological Structure of a Contact Zone Between Two Bird Subspecies. 2017. Molecular Ecology 26: 6430-6444. PDF
Osnes, B., R.J. Safran, and M. Boykoff (2017). Student Content Production of Climate Communications. What is Sustainable Journalism?, Ed. P. Berglez, U. Olausson, and M. Ots93-111, Peter Lang PDF
Scordato, E.S.C., Wilkins, M.R., Semenov, G.I., Rubtsov, A., Kane, N.C., Safran, R.J. Genomic variation across two barn swallow hybrid zones reveals traits associated with divergence in sympatry and allopatry. 2017. Molecular Ecology 26:5676–569 PDF
Thompson, L.R. et al. 2017. (R.J. Safran a co-author as part of the Earth Microbiome Project Consortium). A communal catalogue reveals Earth's multiscale microbial diversity. Nature DOI: 10.1038/nature24621
Rüdiger R., M. Muschick, D. Lindtke, R. Villoutreix, A.A. Comeault, T.E. Farkas, K. Lucek, E. Hellen, V. Soria-Carrasco, S.R. Dennis, C.F. de Carvalho, R.J. Safran, C.P. Sandoval, J.L. Feder, R. Gries, B.J. Crespi, G. Gries, Z. Gompert, and P. Nosil. 2017. Transitions between phases of genomic differentiation during stick-insect speciation. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1: 0082. PDF cover image
Vitousek MN, Jenkins BR, Hubbard JK, Kaiser SA, Safran RJ. 2017. An experimental test of the effect of brood size on glucocorticoid responses, parental investment, and offspring phenotype. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 247: 97-106 PDF
Grunst, AS, Grunst, ML, Rathbun, NL, Hubbard, JK, Safran, RJ, Gonser, RA, Tuttle, EM. 2017. Disruptive selection on plumage coloration across genetically determined morphs. Animal Behavior. 124: 97-108. PDF
Huber G, Turbek S, Bostwick KS, Safran RJ. 2017. Comparative analyses reveal migratory swallows (Hirundinidae) have less pointed wings than residents. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 120, 228–235 PDF
Hubbard,JK, Hund, AK, Levin II, McGraw KJ, Wilkins MR, Safran RJ. 2017. The importance of cross-validation, accuracy, and precision for measuring plumage color: a comment on Vaquero-Alba et al. 2016. Auk, Ornithological Advances. 134: 34-38. PDF
Scordato, ESC and Safran RJ. 2016. Evolutionary Genetics: Small Regions Make a Big Impact. Current Biology 26, R1155–R1157 PDF
Wilkins MR, Karaardıç, H, Vortman Y, Parchman TL, Albrecht T, Petrželkov A, Özkan, L, Pap P Hubbard JK, Hund AK, Safran RJ. Divergent sexual selection explains phenotypic differentiation among closely related barn swallow populations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 29: 2410 - 2421. PDF.
Mendelson TC, Fitzpatrick CL, Hauber ME, Pence CH, Rodríguez RL, Safran RJ, Stern CA, Stevens JR. Cognitive Phenotypes and the Evolution of Animal Decisions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31: 850 - 859 PDF
Safran RJ, Scordato ESC, Wilkins MR, Hubbard, JK, Jenkins, BR, Albrecht T, Flaxman SM, Karaardıç H, Vortman Y, Lotem A, Nosil P, Pap P, Shen S, Chan, S-F, Parchman T, Kane NC. 2016, Genome-wide differentiation in closely related populations: the roles of selection and geographic isolation. Molecular Ecology. 25:3865-3883 featured with cover photo PDF
Wells, S, Safran RJ, Dale, J. 2016. Piecing together female extra-pair mate choice: females really do prefer more ornamented males. Molecular Ecology 25: 3521-3524 PDF
Safran, R.J., Vortman, Y. Jenkins, BR, Hubbard, J.K., Wilkins, M.R., Bradley, R.J., and A. Lotem. 2016. Divergent sexual selection predicts phenotype differences among closely related populations. Evolution 70:2074-2084 PDF
Levin, I.I., Zonana, D. M., Fosdick, B.K., Song, S.J., Knight, R., and Safran. R.J. 2016. Stress response, gut microbial diversity, and sexual signals correlate with social interactions. Biology Letters 12: 20160352. 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0352 PDF
Vitousek, MN, Tomášek, O., Albrecht, T, Wilkins, MR and Safran R.J. 2016. Signal Traits and Oxidative Stress: A Comparative Study Across Populations with Divergent Signals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4:56. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2016.00056 PDF Invited Submission for a Special Theme Issue on Oxidative Stress.
Hubbard J.K., Jenkins B.R., and R.J. Safran. 2015. Quantitative genetics of plumage color: lifetime effects of early nest environment on a colorful sexual signal. Ecology and Evolution. 5: 3436-3449 PDF
Hund, A.K., Aberle, M., and R.J. Safran. 2015 Do parents alter provisioning rates across the nestling period in response to ectoparasites: an experimental test in the North American barn swallow Hirundo rustica erythrogaster. Animal Behavior 110:187-196 PDF
Toews, DPL, Campagna, L., Taylor, SA, Balakrishnan, CN, Baldassarre, DT, Deane-Coe, PE, Harvey, MG, Hooper, DM, Irwin, DE, Judy, CD, Mason, NA, McCormack, JE, McCracken KG, Oliveros CH, Safran, RJ, Scordato, ESC, Stryjewski, KF, Tigano, A, Uy JAC, and Winger B. 2015. Genomic Approaches to Studying and Quantifying Avian Diversity. Ornithological Advances. 133: 13-30 PDF
Wilkins, M.R., Joseph, M.B., Hubbard, J.K. and R.J. Safran. 2015. Multimodal signaling in the North American barn swallow: influences of intra- and intersexual selection on signal evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 282: 20151574. PDF
Levin, IL Zonana DM, Burt J, Safran RJ. In Press. Performance of Encounternet tags: field tests of miniaturized proximity loggers for use on small animals. PLoS ONE. 10(9): e0137242. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137242.PDF
Hubbard J.K., Jenkins B.R., and R.J. Safran. 2015. Quantitative genetics of plumage color: lifetime effects of early nest environment on a colorful sexual signal. Ecology and Evolution. 5: 3436-3449 PDF
Vortman Y. Safran, R.J., Dor, R., and Lotem. A. 2015. Expression of multiple sexual signals by fathers and sons in the East-Mediterranean barn swallow: are advertising strategies heritable? PLoS ONE 10: e0118054. PDF
Rodríguez RL, Araya–Salas M, Gray DA,Reichert MS, Symes LB, Wilkins MR, Safran RJ & Höbel G. 2015. How acoustic signals scale with body size: common trends in static allometry across diverse taxa. 2015. Behavioral Ecology. 26: 168–177 PDF
Rathbun N., Grunst A., Grunst M., Hubbard J., Safran, R.J., Gonser R.A., and E.M. Tuttle. 2015. Quantitative Color Variation Within And Across Morphs Of The Polymorphic White-Throated Sparrow. Auk, Ornithological Advances. 132:92-104 PDF
Scordato, E.S.C., and Safran, R.J. 2014 Geographic variation in sexual selection and implications for speciation in the barn swallow. Avian Research 8-21 PDF
Safran, RJ and Vitousek MN. 2014. Ecological and evolutionary connections between morphology, physiology, and behavior Current Zoology 60: 736-738. Introduction to special theme issue put together by Safran and Vitousek PDF
Vitousek MN, Zonana DM, Safran RJ. 2014. An integrative view of the signaling phenotype: Dynamic links between signals, physiology, behavior and social context. Current Zoology 60: 739–754. PDF
Vitousek, M.N, Jenkins, B.R., and R.J. Safran. 2014 Stress and success: individual differences in the glucocorticoid stress response predict behavior and fitness under high predation risk. Hormones and Behavior. 66: 812-819. PDF
Wildrick R.J., Jenkins B.R., Hubbard J.K., and R.J. Safran. 2014. Predictors of age-related reproductive performance: a longitudinal perspective. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68:1883–1892 PDF
Scordato, E.S.C., Symes, L.B., Mendelson, T.C., and Safran, R.J. 2014. The role of ecology in speciation by sexual selection: a systematic empirical review. Journal of Heredity. 14: 782– 794. Invited as part of a special theme issue on the Speciation Continuum, organized by Dr. Kerry Shaw PDF Cover Image
Jenkins B.R., Vitousek M.N, Hubbard J.K. and R.J. Safran. 2014. An experimental analysis of the heritability of variation in glucocorticoid concentrations in a wild avian population. Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20141302. PDF
Basey, J.M., Maines, A.P, Francis, C.D., Melbourne, B.M., Wise, S.M., Safran, R.J. and P.T. J. Johnson. 2014. Impact of a pre-lab, a write-to-learn post lab, and content reduction on evolution-based learning in an undergraduate plant biodiversity lab. Evolution: Outreach and Education 7:10 PDF
Wildrick, R.J.*and Safran R.J. 2014. Predictors of age-related reproductive performance: conceptual framework and synthesis. Ethology 120: 411-426. PDF
Botero, C.A.B, Dor, R., McCain, C.M. and R.J. Safran. 2014. Environmental harshness is positively correlated with intraspecific divergence in mammals and birds. Molecular Ecology 23: 259-268. PDF Please see commentary by Jason Weir here
Safran R.J., Scordato E. ,Symes, L., Rodríguez, R. and T.C. Mendelson. 2013 Contributions of natural and sexual selection to the evolution of premating reproductive isolation: a research agenda. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28: 643-650. PDF
Jenkins B.R., Vitousek M.N., and R.J. Safran. 2013 Signaling stress? An analysis of phaeomelanin-based plumage color and individual corticosterone levels at two temporal scales in North American barn swallows, Hirundo rustica erythrogaster. Hormones and Behavior PDF
Vortman, Y., Dor, R., Lovette, I.J., Lotem, A., and R.J. Safran. 2013. Multiple signals and behavioral reproductive isolation in a diverging population. American Naturalist PDF
Vitousek, M.N, Stewart, R. A. and R.J. Safran. 2013. Signal colour drives seasonal oxidative damage and testosterone profiles in a songbird. Biology Letters 9, 20130539 PDF
Seddon, N., Botero, C.A.B., Dunn, P.O., MacGregor, H., Rubenstein, D.R., Tobias, J.A., Uy, J.A.C., Weir, J., Whittingham, L.W., and Safran, R.J. 2013. Sexual selection accelerates the evolution of phenotypic divergence and reproductive isolation in birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 280: 20131065. PDF
Uy, J.A.C and Safran R.J. 2013. Multimodal signal divergence and speciation. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 1499-1511. Invited as part of a special issue on multimodal signaling. PDF
Wilkins M.R., Seddon N., and Safran R.J. 2013. Evolutionary divergence in acoustic signals: causes and consequences. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28: 156-166 . PDF cover
Safran R.J., Flaxman, S.M, Kopp, M, Irwin, D.E., Briggs, D., Evans, M.R., Funk, W.C., Gray, D.A. Hebets, E.A., Seddon, N., Scordato, E., Symes, L.B., Tobias, J.A., Toews, D.P.L., Uy, J.A.C. 2012. A robust new metric of phenotypic distance to estimate and compare multiple trait differences among populations. Invited for Special Theme Issue on Sexual Selection and Speciation, Current Zoology 58: 423-436. PDF
Vitousek, M.V., Dor, R. and R.J. Safran. Sexual signaling: climate carry-over. 2012 Current Biology R61-R63 PDF
Safran, R.J. and Nosil, P.N. 2012. Speciation: The Origin of New Species. Nature Education Knowledge 3(3):17 PDF
Dor, R.*, Safran, R.J., Vortman, Y*, Lotem, A, McGowan*, A, Evans, M, and Lovette, I. Population genetics of migratory European (Hirundo rustica rustica) and sedentary East Mediterranean (H. r. transitiva) Barn Swallows. 2012. Heredity 103:55-63 PDF
Dor, R, Lovette, I.J., Safran, R.J., Billerman, S.M., Huber, G.H., Vortman, Y, Lotem, A., McGowan, A., Evans, M.R., Cooper, C.B., and Winkler, D.W. 2011 Low Variation in the Polymorphic Clock Gene Poly-Q Region Despite Population Genetic Structure across Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) Populations. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28843. PDF
Vortman, Y.*, Lotem, A., Dor, R.*, Lovette, I.J., and Safran, R.J. 2011. The sexual signals of the East-Mediterranean barn swallow (Hirundo rustica transitiva): evidence for geographic variation in patterns of signal-based reproductive performance. Behavioral Ecology 22:1344–1352 PDF
Lifjeld, J.T., Kleven, O., Jacobsen F*, McGraw, K.J., Safran, R.J. and Robertson, R.J. 2011. Age before beauty in barn swallows: an analysis of reproductive consequences in terms of morphological variation and age in male barn swallows. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 65:1687–1697 PDF
Billerman, S, G*. Huber, R.J. Safran and I.J. Lovette. 2011. Population genetics of the recent transcontinental colonization of South America by breeding barn swallows. Auk 128:506-513. PDF
Weiss, S.L. E.A. Kennedy*, R.J. Safran, and K.J. 2011. McGraw. Signals of reproductive quality in females: female ornamentation predicts yolk antioxidants in striped plateau lizards. Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 519-527. PDF
Safran R.J. 2010. Barn Swallows: Sexual and Social Behavior. In: Breed M.D. and Moore J., (eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, volume 1, pp. 139-144. Oxford: Academic Press. PDF
Safran, R.J. M.N. Vitousek*, M.E. Hauber, and C.K. Ghalambor. 2010. Sexual selection: a dynamic state of affairs. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 25: 430-431. PDF
Dor. R.*, Safran, R.J. Sheldon, F.H. Winkler, D.W., and Lovette, I.J. 2010. Phylogeny of the genus Hirundo and the Barn Swallow subspecies complex. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 56: 409-418. PDF
Safran, R.J., K.J. McGraw, K.M. Pilz, and S. Correa*. 2010. Egg-yolk androgen and carotenoid deposition as a function of maternal social environment in barn swallows Hirundo rustica. Journal of Avian Biology. 41: 470-478. PDF
Hubbard, J, Uy, J.A.C., Hauber, M.E. Hoekstra, H.E., and Safran, R.J. 2010. Vertebrate Pigmentation: From Genes to Adaptive Function. Trends in Genetics 26: 231-239. Featured with the cover photo. PDF cover
Safran, R.J., K.J. McGraw, M.R. Wilkins, J.K. Hubbard, and J. Marling. 2010. Positive antioxidant balance over the breeding season predicts reproductive performance in a wild bird. PLoS ONE 5(2) e9420. PDF
Maguire, S.E. and R.J. Safran. 2010. Paternity, ornamentation and patterns of parental care in the North American barn swallow. Journal of Avian Biology 41:74-82. PDF
Tibbetts, E.A., and R.J. Safran+. 2009. Co-evolution of Badges of Status and Winter Sociality in New and Old World Sparrows. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 2376-2386. + Both authors contributed equally. Featured with cover photo contributed equally PDF
Safran, R.J., and M. Vitousek*. 2008. Evolutionary Biology: Arms Race in the Eye of the Beholder. Current Biology. 18: R734-736. PDF
Safran, R.J., J. Adelman*, K.J. McGraw and M. Hau. 2008. Sexual signal exaggeration affects physiological state in a social vertebrate. Current Biology 18: R461-462. Rated by Faculty of 1000 as “Must Read”; highlighted in a Trends in Ecology and Evolution article. PDF
Safran, R.J., K.M. Pilz, K.J. McGraw, S. Correa*, H. Schwabl. 2008. Maternal Deposition of Egg-Yolk Androgens and Carotenoids in Barn Swallows: Is Allocation Related to Indicators of Parental Quality? Behavioral Ecology Sociobiology 62:427-438. PDF
Safran, R.J., V.A.J. Doerr, P.W. Sherman, E. Doerr, S. M. Flaxman and D. W. Winkler. 2007. Group Breeding In Vertebrates: Linking Individual and Population-Level Approaches. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9: 1163-1185. PDF
Doerr, E., Doerr, V.A.J., and Safran, R.J. 2007. Integrating delayed dispersal into broader concepts of social group formation. Behavioural Processes 76: 114-117. PDF
Safran, R.J. 2007. Settlement patterns of female barn swallows across different group sizes: access to colorful males or favored nests? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 61: 1359-1368 PDF
Safran R.J., Hauber M.E. 2007. Evolutionary Biology: Variation Isn't Always Sexy. Current Biology 17: R368-R 370. PDF
C.R. Neuman*, R.J. Safran, and I.J. Lovette. 2007. Male tail streamer length does not predict paternity in a population of North American Barn Swallows. Journal of Avian Biology 38: 28-36. PDF
Safran, R.J. 2006. Nest-Site Selection Decisions in Barn Swallows: What Predicts Reproductive Performance? Canadian Journal of Zoology 84: 1533–1539. PDF
M.E. Hauber and R.J. Safran. 2006. Promiscuous fathers sire young that recognize true family. Current Biology 16: R797-R800. Featured with the cover photo. PDF
Safran, R.J., C.R. Neuman*, K.J. McGraw, and I.J. Lovette. 2005. Dynamic paternity allocation as a function of male plumage color in barn swallows. Science. 309: 2210-2212. Featured with the cover photo and in “Science Magazine’s News of the Week”. Rated by Faculty of 1000 PDF Supplementary Materials cover
McGraw, K.J., R.J. Safran, and K. Wakamatsu. 2005. How feather colour reflects its melanin content. Functional Ecology 19:816-821. PDF
Safran, R.J. 2004. Adaptive site selection rules and variation in group size of barn swallows: individual decisions predict population patterns. American Naturalist 164: 121-131. PDF
Safran, R.J. and K.J. McGraw. 2004. Plumage coloration, not length or symmetry of tail-streamers, is a sexually selected trait in North American barn swallows. Behavioural Ecology 15: 455-461. PDF
McGraw, K.J., R.J. Safran, M.R. Evans, and K. Wakamatsu. 2004. European barn swallows use melanin pigments to color their feathers brown. Behavioural Ecology 15: 889-891. PDF
McGraw, K.J., K. Wakamatsu, S. Ito, P.M. Nolan, P. Jouventin, F.S. Dobson, R.E. Austic, R. Safran, L. Siefferman, G. Hill and R. Parker. 2004. You Can't Always Judge a Plumage Pigment by its Color: Carotenoid and Melanin Content of Yellow and Brown Feathers in Swallows, Bluebirds, Penguins, and Domestic Chicks. Condor 106:390-395. PDF
Taft, O.W., M.A. Colwell, C.R. Isola, and R.J. Safran. 2002. Waterbird responses to experimental drawdown: implications for multispecies management of wetland mosaics. Journal of Applied Ecology 39: 987-1001. PDF
Safran, R.J., M.A. Colwell, O.E. Williams and C.R. Isola. 2000. Foraging site selection by nonbreeding White-faced Ibis Condor 102:211-215. PDF
Isola, C.R., M.A. Colwell, O.E.W. Taft, and R.J. Safran. 2000. Interspecific differences in habitat use of shorebirds and waterfowl foraging in managed wetlands of California’s San Joaquin Valley. Waterbirds 23: 196-203. PDF
Safran, R.J., C.R. Isola, M.A. Colwell and O.E. Williams. 1997. Benthic invertebrates at foraging locations of nine waterbird species in managed wetlands of the northern San Joaquin Valley, California. Wetlands 17: 407-415. PDF
Shuford, W.D., C.M. Hickey, R.J. Safran and G.W. Page. 1996. A review of the status of the White-faced Ibis in winter in California. Western Birds 27: 169-196.
Book Review
Safran, R.J. 2002. A Review of Bird Nests and Construction Behavior. Auk 119:892-894.